Blimey Cow Videos

The continuing series of You Might Be a Homeschooler If....

Todd Wilson Comics

Wow, I don't think I've ever been this burnt out. How about you? Enjoy

Tim Hawkins Tuesdays

No one presents homeschooling in a funnier light than Tim Hawkins. I dare you not to laugh.Enjoy

Blimey Cow Videos

Continuting the series You Might Be a Homeschooler if.....Enjoy.

Todd Wilson Comics

Here's another one from homeschooling dad and funnyman Todd Wilson. Enjoy.

Tim Hawkins Tuesdays

So, last week I showed you Tim Hawkins first homeschool video. Now you will definately love his newest one if you haven't heard it yet. Tim even laughs himself during it. Enjoy

Blimey Cow Videos

Blimey Cow YouTube channel is so addictive. They are a young group of (now-grown) homeschool kids. A married couple and their brother. If you haven't seen any of their videos, stayed tuned here because I'm going to feature them every Friday. Enjoy


Todd Wilson Comics

Todd Wilson is a homeschooling father of 8, runs the blog The Family Man. He is the author of Help! I’m Married to a Homeschooling Mom and The Official Book of Homeschooling Cartoons. He is a regular contributer to Focus on the Family and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. He is real and funny as all get out. Enjoy

Tim Hawkins Tuesday

Love, love, love Tim Hawkins. A homeschooling father who's a comedian to boot! His songs about homeschooling are totally epic! Enjoy!

Mondays With Ryan Gosling

How could I not start out this blog on homeschool humor without referring to one of the most popular homeschool memes out there. Ryan Gosling. Enjoy.